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MTSS Webinar Wheel

Identify At-Risk & Struggling Students

Leverage the Screener and Early Warning System to see which students need extra support.

EWS screen w/kid


  • Create and schedule student screenings at the district level
  • Give teachers access to screenings in the TeacherVUE® Gradebook during scheduled screening windows
  • View completion status and results in Synergy MTSS or the gradebook depending on user role
  • Filter results by student, risk level, homeroom teacher, quarter, and more
  • Create MTSS plans right from the screener with optional AI assistance


  • Mine Synergy data for academic and behavioral warning signs for all students
  • Send timely notifications to the right stakeholders
  • Ensure that struggling students are promptly enrolled in appropriate interventions
  • Define early warning categories, data sources, and weighting to fit your district

MTSS Process screenshot

Manage Your MTSS Process

Ensure that all students are making adequate progress toward grade-level learning objectives.

  • Collect detailed referral information
  • Create MTSS plans around the area of concern and learning gap for each tier
  • Assign staff participants and students to MTSS plans and individualize accommodations
  • Analyze MTSS data at the student, classroom, and school level with interactive dashboard reports
  • Measure implementation fidelity by intervention type and break down results by school, site, teacher, and specialist
  • Build custom forms to tailor your MTSS data collection to your district needs

Monitor Student Progress

Help underperforming students get back on track quickly and avoid unnecessary special education referrals.

  • Log the delivery of instruction or intervention to track the progress of tiered students and groups
  • Get a quick read on student status with graphs and flags comparing actual to expected progress
  • Capture student outcomes and define the next step, such as creating a new plan
  • Share, send, and print progress reports
  • Maintain a complete history of all MTSS data

Provide Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports (PBIS)

Use Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) to monitor student behavior and provide continuous feedback.

  • Set goals, expectations, and feedback schedule
  • Assign CICO points to students by subject or period
  • Analyze behavior at the student, classroom, and school level with interactive dashboard reports
  • Enable authorized staff to enter CICO data anytime and anywhere
  • Help students meet daily goals and develop accountability

Get the Big Picture Across School Sites

Help district administrators understand in real time what’s working and what’s not, both districtwide and at individual schools down to the grade and teacher level.

  • Which students are most at risk?
  • Which interventions are working?
  • What additional interventions are needed?
  • Are there gaps in the curriculum?
  • Are additional specialists or professional development needed?

Understand Student Emotions at School

Gain insight into how students are feeling during the school day, identify students who might need additional support, and recognize opportunities for improving the learning experience for all.

  • Prompt students to record an emotion and optional comment in the StudentVUE® portal once or twice a day
  • Display student-reported emotions as icons on the TeacherVUE® seating chart for a quick "temperature check” on the class
  • Review the Emotion Tracker Report in Synergy MTSS to see AM/PM emotion pie charts and trends over time

Emotion Tracker screenshot

Document Student Incidents
MTSS Doc Student

Record adverse student behaviors and respond in a way that is commensurate with each infraction.

  • Document incidents and create referrals
  • Track day-to-day observations of recurring negative behaviors
  • Place students into an MTSS plan based on documented history

Assign Behavior Points & Simplify Rewards Management

Use behavior points to build a positive culture, motivate students, and inform parents

  • Create point categories for tracking classroom and school behavior
  • Enable teachers to enter and view behavior points on their TeacherVUE seating charts
  • Provide families with access to student behavior points in the ParentVUE® and StudentVUE web portal and mobile app
  • Set up classroom and/or school rewards stores to track point balances and reward inventory
  • Allow students to cash in behavior points in the StudentVUE portal, or teachers in TeacherVUE

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