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Synergy Special Education (SE) logo

Synergy® Special Education (SE) simplifies the entire special education management process, guiding team members step by step from initial referral through program exit in a collaborative environment that promotes student success. Synergy SE is more than an IEP writer, providing district-level oversight to help ensure that federal and state regulations are being met. And, because Synergy SE uses the centralized database shared seamlessly throughout Synergy Education Platform, data is accurate and consistent in real time without integrating or synchronizing with other systems.

Document Creation & Management

Create and manage legally compliant versions of the IEP and all documents used in referral, evaluation, review and reevaluation for special education. 

Process Automation

Automate the entire special education process for your district, notifying stakeholders when they have tasks waiting, driving documents to completion, archiving historic documents, and freeing up time for special education and administrative staff.

Accurate State Reporting

Synergy SE employs multiple safeguards to help ensure that data is validated, reporting requirements are up to date, and state reports meet every guideline.

Medicaid Management

Easily manage Medicaid information and processes, from defining providers to reporting on service history.

Collaborative Work Environment

Provide a secure, collaborative work environment to help teams stay on track, get things done faster, and optimize instructional support for every student. 

Easy to Use & Efficient

Synergy SE is simple to navigate and use, so everyone on your team can get more done in less time, reducing training costs and boosting user satisfaction.

Out-of-the-Box Flexibility

Your district has unique needs, so we designed Synergy SE with the flexibility to do things the way you do.


Synergy SE provides fully compliant IDEA and state special education documentation. It has reduced the time required to prepare our state reports by at least 80% while drastically increasing our accuracy.

Capistrano Unified School District, CA

Success in Paramount USD, Los Angeles, CA

When California increased its special education management, data collection and reporting requirements, Paramount USD struggled to comply. Then the district replaced their outdated software systems with Synergy SE, automating processes to improve IEP management and state reporting accuracy and efficiency.

California State Map - blue

CASE & Top Product logos 2025